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St Leonard's Primary school is committed to providing a full and efficient educational experience for all pupils.

We are also committed to meeting the DfE (Department for Education) and Devon targets for raising levels of school attendance as set out in the Devon Local Authority Attendance Strategy. We believe that if pupils are to benefit from education, excellent attendance is crucial. We do all that we can to ensure maximum attendance for all pupils.

Our School Attendance Information / Absence / Term-Time Holidays 

              Attendance letter graph used 24.25

For the information of all parents/carers, we would like to share our annual information about our approach and responsibilities to school attendance. Punctual daily attendance at school is essential to enable pupils to benefit from their education. It is our duty to monitor your child’s attendance and keep you informed when it falls below the expected levels.

The Department for Education state that Headteachers may NOT grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please note that this does not apply to children who are under 5 and therefore not yet in statutory education.

Should a Penalty Notice be issued as a result of unauthorised absence then one notice will be issued to each parent/guardian for each child involved. Currently, each Penalty Notice is £80, if paid within the first 21 days of issue, increasing to £160 if paid after 21 days and before 28 days. If a Penalty Notice goes unpaid after 28 days, then court proceedings will be initiated. In the case of repeated fines, if a parent receives a second fine for the same child within any three-year period, this will be charged at the higher rate of £160.

We understand the disappointment that the refusal of any leave request may cause, but as I’m sure you can appreciate, this policy represents the school’s responsibility and commitment to maximising your child's opportunities to succeed in their education. We hope you will continue to support your child’s education by ensuring that your son/daughter obtains the maximum benefit from their time at school by attending punctually and for the required number of school days each year that the law requires (unless of course your child is prevented from doing so by an unavoidable circumstance or illness). Please take the time to review the Attendance Policy and if you should have any questions, please contact us.


It is the policy of our school to celebrate achievement and full attendance is a critical factor to a productive and successful school career. If there are problems which affect a pupil’s attendance, we will investigate, identify and strive in partnership with parents and pupils to resolve those problems as quickly and efficiently as possible. The school works closely with the Attendance Improvement Officer (AIO) who visits the school regularly to monitor attendance.

Any pupil of statutory school age with attendance below 90%, which equates to a missed session every week, is considered to be ‘persistently absent’ and will automatically be monitored by the school and the AIO. If an improvement is not evident, a formal meeting will be held with the AIO to discuss the issues.


No absences will be authorised unless they are for exceptional circumstances; a family holiday during term-time is not normally considered by the Government to be an ‘exceptional circumstance’ and therefore will not be authorised by this school.

Schools are required to notify the Local Authority if a pupil has a number of unauthorised absences.

These can be acquired when:

  • an absence has been requested, but the circumstances are such that the school is unable to authorise the absence.
  • we have reason to believe that the child has been on holiday or the absence was not for genuine illness. The absence will remain unauthorised until the school is satisfied with the reasons given.
  • a child continually arrives late after the registration period has closed, which is currently 9am.

The school will refer to the Local Authority in all of the above circumstances and at their discretion, this may result in either a Penalty Notice or a summons to the Magistrates Court which could result in a substantial fine per child to each parent/carer.


In the case of illness, please contact the school by 9am daily. If a child has a sustained illness (i.e. absent for more than 4 days) we request confirmation, if at all possible, that they have been seen by a medical professional i.e. an appointment card/prescription information from a GP surgery or walk-in centre. We do not require a letter from the Doctor.

If a child is absent and the parent does not contact the school (and we are unable to make contact with the parent) the absence is automatically unauthorised. We then follow our safeguarding procedures, which entails reaching out to other contacts on the child’s list and consideration of a visit to the family home to ensure that your child is safe.  

Routine Appointments

It is expected that non-urgent, routine medical appointments including dental check-ups and eye tests should be taken after school or during the school holidays.

For emergency medical appointments and all other medical appointments (hospital, speech therapy etc) please bring in a copy of the appointment letter which will be noted on the attendance register. It is expected that pupils’ attend school before and after an appointment.

Attendance Policy


Absence Request Form

Please complete and return this form to the school office.

Absence Request Form


School will make contact with parents throughout the year regarding attendance. As we have a duty of care to inform parents about attendance, we will write to parents if and when attendance falls below a certain point.

For most parents this will be to share information about current attendance so that they remained informed and get set to maintain positive attendance. Some parents may be invited into school to discuss attendance and how the school can support in improving it moving forward as a school-parent partnership.

At the start of each academic year

Parents will receive a letter reminding them about the legal responsibility regarding term time holidays and the school responsibility to share information about term time holidays with Devon County Council.

If attendance falls below 95%

If a child's attendance falls below 95%, parents will receive 'Letter 1'. The purpose of this letter is draw parents attention to the current attendance percentage and offer support, if needed, to improve attendance. 

If, after a Letter 1, attendance isn't improving

If parents have received a 'Letter 1' and attendance continues to fall, parents will receive a 'Letter 2' which invites parents into school to meet with a school representative to discuss how we can work together to improve attendance. This meeting will form clear actions to improve attendance together. The Local Authority Attendance Improvement Officer may be involved at this point or the School Nurse may be invited to support.

We recognise and understand that children do become poorly and this may result in them being unable to attend school. We ask that parents make the school office (01392 666570) aware of any absences by 8.30am for every day that your child is absent. You can if you wish leave a message using Option 1, stating your child’s name, class and the reason for their absence. 

  • If your child has vomited, we ask that parents keep their child off school for 48 hours after the last episode of sickness.
  • If your child is contagious, we ask that parents follow doctors instruction regarding absence from school. Please keep the school informed about this.

School can administer prescribed medication if parents have completed the correct permissions form. These can be found at the office or in the 'Medical' section of our website.

  • If your child has a cold or is feeling a little unwell, we encourage parents to bring their child to school. Teachers are very vigilant and the school will contact parents if their child begins to feel worse or become too unwell to remain in school.

The office team are able to support parents with any queries regarding absences due to illness.