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Our Vision

Our overarching vision for all members of our school community is 'Be The Best You Can Be'. As a Church school, this is underpinned by the following Bible verse:

"As dearly loved children, live a life of love, just as Christ loved us." Ephesians 5:1-2

In practice, this means:

  • We are ambitious for our school community. We provide children with a range of inspiring experiences, enabling them to discover what they are passionate about.

  • We empower our children to thrive academically, face challenges with courage and confidence, and communicate with compassion and maturity with a strong foundation in Christian values.

  • We want parents and carers to be proud that their child attends St Leonard’s and feel that they are well prepared for the next phase of their journey.

  • We serve a diverse community, celebrating difference and seeking to remove barriers for all children.

  • We aspire to help shape the future for education in Devon.

  • We endeavour to unlock the potential within each individual: children, staff, families and governors – so that they become the very best version of themselves.