Wednesday 8th January 2025
Happy New Year! Welcome back to school. We hope that you and your families all enjoyed a happy and peaceful Christmas break. It has been lovely to see the children again and hear about all of the fun they had over the holidays.
This term we will be reading Street Child by Berlie Doherty. This novel is inspired by the true story of a young orphan growing up in Victorian London. This text will inspire our writing as well us providing opportunities to explore the challenging themes of injustice, resilience and humanity. The novel will also provide children with a broader context as we learn about the British Empire in history.
In maths, we will be learning about written methods for both multiplication and division. To support children with their learning in this area, we recommend they spend 3-5 minutes every day practising their multiplication tables on Times Tables Rock Stars (the link can be found in the tab below). Small but regular amounts of practise on multiplication fluency significantly reduces the cognitive load children experience when learning and applying written calculation methods, enabling them to know and remember more. To support children's progress in reading, which is fundamental to all areas of learning, we also reccommend that children read at home for at least 10 minutes per day. Please see the useful websites tab below for a suggested reading list.
Full details of the Year 5 curriculum this term can be found on the Spring 1 learning web, which can be found in the tab below. Additionally, if you would like to discuss any aspect of our curriculum please speak to your child's class teacher.
Finally, a reminder that we will be visiting Exeter University on Friday 31st January to watch a performance by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. If you have not done so already, please use the MyChild app to give consent for your child to attend the performance.
All the best,
The Year 5 Team
Check back soon.