Welcome to the Year 2 blog!
PE: PE days for Y2 are Wednesday and Friday.
The children can come into school in their PE kit and stay in it all day (no need for uniform on these days). PE kit requirements can be found via the link: https://www.stleonards.devon.sch.uk/parents/uniform
The children have made a brilliant start to our Spring term and we have been really impressed with everyone's readiness to learn.
Please see below for a brief overview of the children’s learning this week.
Writing: In writing this week, we have started our new text ‘White Owl, Barn Owl’. The children have learned about question sentences and statement sentences and how to demarcate these accurately. The children have also learned more about expanded noun phrases and how to select adjectives to modify a noun—the children know this helps to paint a picture in the reader’s mind.
Barn Owl Trust visit: We had the brilliant Barn Owl Trust in to visit us on Wednesday to support our new writing text. The children learned more about barn owl habitats and diet. The highlight of the visit was meeting Bailey the barn owl who flew around the school hall to show the children his wing span and then landed on the PE climbing apparatus! After the talk and meeting Bailey, each class dissected an owl pellet. The children found amazing examples of the owl’s diet including field vole skulls, bones and claws! The children absolutely loved this experience and came home with a barn owl postcard if you wanted to look into the Barn Owl Trust at home.
Maths: In maths, we have focused on shape. The children learned about 3D shapes and how to identify their faces and vertices. Over the coming weeks, the children will begin learning about money so if you are out and about in the shops and pay with cash please do talk to your child about the value of different coins.
Science: In Science we have started learning about materials. This week, the children focused on identifying different objects around the school site which have been made using different materials. Our key vocabulary for this unit includes: waterproof, malleable, absorbent and material.
Spring 1 learning webs have been placed in the windows of each Year 2 classroom so please come and have a look if you would like to find out more about Y2’s learning this term. Alternatively, please see the 'Learning Web' tab just underneath this blog.
Year 2 have had another brilliant two weeks.
Ocean Conservation Trust:
All classes took part in a brilliant session today from the Ocean Conservation Trust based at Plymouth Aquarium. Georgia and Jess from the Trust led workshops about plastic in our oceans and the impact of plastic on marine life. The children became marine biologists as they experienced a VR (virtual reality) session in a submersible near the ‘midnight’ or ‘abyss’ zone of the ocean. The children saw whales, jellyfish and squid! The children were able to look at a range of artefacts from the ocean such as shark fins, turtle shells, ray egg cases and shark teeth! The children then acted out some food chains and thought about how we can reduce plastic in these food chains. It was a brilliant experience and the children loved every second.
The children have loved learning about our text ‘White owl, Barn owl’ so far this term. Over the past two weeks, the children have learned about adverbs, expanded noun phrases and features of a non-fiction information text. Please ask your child to use an adverb to describe how an owl flies – the children created beautiful sentences using adverbs this week.
In Maths, the children have been learning about money. The children have identified the values of different coins and notes and they have made amounts using different coins. When out and about over the next couple of weeks, please talk to your child about the price of objects in shops and which coins/notes they would choose to pay for certain items.
Writing: the children have really enjoyed writing their documentary narration about barn owls over the past two weeks. They have included lots of brilliant facts alongside wonderful description. The children have practised reading their narration aloud using expression.
Guided Reading: this week, the children have started using Little Wandle Fluency books in their guided reading lessons. Each book is a chapter book which the children are very excited about! Each lesson focuses on using out ‘complete the code’ chart to read GPCS, the children then read tricky words and new vocabulary which will be found in the book. The rest of the lesson focuses on reading a chapter of the book, prosody practice and a few comprehension questions. The children are really enjoying these longer books so please ask your child about their group’s book at home – I’m sure they will be really keen to tell you!
Maths: we finished our money unit this week. The children worked hard calculating change and finding the difference between two values of money. As you are out and about, please continue to talk to your child about the value of coins and notes as they were all really engaged with the learning. We will be starting our multiplication and division unit on Monday. More details about Times Table Rockstars will follow next term.
Geography: in this week’s lesson, the children learned about different types of transport in Kampong Ayer (the water village in Brunei) and they discussed why these methods of transport were used compared to others. They completed a Venn diagram comparing transport in Exeter and Kampong Ayer.
Science: this week we tested different materials to investigate which material made the best superhero cape! The children discussed what a ‘fair test’ means and each table group became scientists and engineers for their given material. The children tested the strength, flexibility and absorbency of five different materials.
Home learning spellings - Spring 1 week 1
Home learning spellings - Spring 1 week 2
Home learning spellings - Spring 1 week 3
Home learning spellings - Spring 1 week 4
Home learning spellings - Spring 1 week 5