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Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 blog!

PE: PE days for Y2 are Wednesday and Friday.

The children can come into school in their PE kit and stay in it all day (no need for uniform on these days). PE kit requirements can be found via the link: https://www.stleonards.devon.sch.uk/parents/uniform


The children have made a brilliant start to our Spring term and we have been really impressed with everyone's readiness to learn.

Please see below for a brief overview of the children’s learning this week.

Writing: In writing this week, we have started our new text ‘White Owl, Barn Owl’. The children have learned about question sentences and statement sentences and how to demarcate these accurately. The children have also learned more about expanded noun phrases and how to select adjectives to modify a noun—the children know this helps to paint a picture in the reader’s mind.

Barn Owl Trust visit: We had the brilliant Barn Owl Trust in to visit us on Wednesday to support our new writing text. The children learned more about barn owl habitats and diet. The highlight of the visit was meeting Bailey the barn owl who flew around the school hall to show the children his wing span and then landed on the PE climbing apparatus! After the talk and meeting Bailey, each class dissected an owl pellet. The children found amazing examples of the owl’s diet including field vole skulls, bones and claws! The children absolutely loved this experience and came home with a barn owl postcard if you wanted to look into the Barn Owl Trust at home.

Maths: In maths, we have focused on shape. The children learned about 3D shapes and how to identify their faces and vertices. Over the coming weeks, the children will begin learning about money so if you are out and about in the shops and pay with cash please do talk to your child about the value of different coins.

Science: In Science we have started learning about materials. This week, the children focused on identifying different objects around the school site which have been made using different materials. Our key vocabulary for this unit includes: waterproof, malleable, absorbent and material.

Spring 1 learning webs have been placed in the windows of each Year 2 classroom so please come and have a look if you would like to find out more about Y2’s learning this term. Alternatively, please see the 'Learning Web' tab just underneath this blog. 



Home learning spellings - Spring 1 week 1











Home learning spellings - Spring 1 week 2







