Monday 24th February 2025
Welcome to our second Spring half term!
Our Maths begins with learning about fractions. We will start by learning what unit and non-unit fractions are. the terms 'numerator' and 'denominator' will be used and we will be comparing and ordering fractions.
We return to Pre-History, learning about the Bronze Age. In Science, we will be learning about food and nutrition.
We are reading 'Milo' by Matt de la Pena and Christian Robinson, using The Power of Reading scheme.
Monday 10th February 2025
We've loved reading and writing some poetry to end this half term. Our theme has been dragons and the published poem will be coming home for the half term holiday.
We continue our learning about length and perimeter, using mm, cm and m.
Our cushions are being finished and we hope they will be coming home towards the end of this week.
We have finished our Geography unit on weather and climate with a 'Place in the Sun' lesson. We have suggested where different families would like to live based on the climate zone and weather they would encounter there.
In Science we have found that seeds do indeed need nutrients, air and space to grow.
Monday 25th January 2025
We have finished reading the ‘Rough Guide to the Amazon’ and learning our grammar skills. These have included apostrophes for contraction and possession; prepositions for time; and paragraphs as a way of grouping related material. We have now discovered a new species in the Amazon Rainforest and will write a description of it; a diary entry; and a letter all about this exciting finding!
In Maths, we have finished our multiplication and division learning using skills from the Autumn Term. Over the next 2 weeks we will be learning about length and perimeter, using mm, cm and m.
We're being very patient and developing our sewing skills with running stitch, cross stitch, and applique, before designing our own small cushion.
Watching Newsround about the recent storm across Ireland and Scotland helped us with our Geography unit about weather and climate. Some areas had winds of 100mph whilst at school, we were barely getting any wind speed reading on our anemometers!
In Science we have planted bulbs and seeds to investigate whether they need nutrients, air and space to grow. Some of them are just beginning to germinate.
Monday 6th January 2025
Wishing all our families a very Happy New Year!
Please take a look in the Year 3 Curriculum folder to see an overview of our curriculum for this 1st Spring Half Term.
We will begin our English by reading and exploring the ‘Rough Guide to the Amazon’. This text contains diary entries, emails and fact files. The grammar skills we will be learning include using apostrophes for contraction and possession; prepositions for time; and paragraphs as a way of grouping related material.
In Maths, we continue to develop our multiplication and division learning using skills from the Autumn Term.
Monday 16th December
We have finished writing our own story based on The Comet and feel we have many budding authors in Year 3! The children's story writing has been fantastic. In Maths we have been focusing on our X3, X4 and X8 and the related division facts too, finishing the week with fun times table games.
We have really enjoyed our Stone Age art paintings, finishing with some hand prints and a collaborative piece which was lvery exciting and complemented our History learning well.
We have lots of festive cheer planned towards the end of the week with our Christmas Lunch; Year 3 party with music, construction and craft; and we look forward to seeing you at the Christmas service on Friday morning.
We wish everyone a peaceful festive break and look forward to seeing you in 2025 after the holiday.
In our History Stone Age learning, we have learnt about the first known fossilised footsteps from Pre-History and how archaeologists find out about the Stone Age from artefacts.
in Art, we have been using charcoal pencils to draw British animals. We have then scaled these up and have used pastels and oil pastels in natural colours to shade with. We will be using sticks, berries and spices to make natural colours to paint with in the same way as would have happened in the Stone Age.
In our History Stone Age learning, we have learnt what an 'Anachronism' is and that dinosaurs are a good example of something which is sometimes wrongly linked with the Stone Age!
Our PE this half term is gymnastics with Mr Tanner and Basketball with the Class Teacher. We've enjoyed practising our dribbling skills !
We have read and discussed 'Beachcomber' which is a poem about interesting objects found on a beach. We have developed our understanding of expanded noun phrases and prepositions in preposition for writing our own poem. We send this home for you to read at the end of the week.
In maths we are learning column addition and subtraction and continue to consolidate our X2, X5 and X10 times table knowlege.
We are finishing our Geography learning about sustainabilty by writing to Mrs Slaven and the Governors to tell them about last week's field work findings. We will tell them the good examples of sustainability we found around the school grounds, and also suggest what could be done to improve sustainability in our school even more.
We are ready to begin our new units in R.E. (Judaism) and Science (Rocks and Fossils)
We have been working hard to write our Octopus information using sub-headings, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. This will be coming home soon for you to see.
In maths, we have been adding and subtracting 1's 10's and 100's from 2 and 3 digit numbers without crossing the boundaries or exchanging. Next week we will be crossing the tens boundaries.
Our spellings for this week will be adding 'im' to root words beginning with 'M' and 'P'
On the they are in Rule 4 'more pre-fixes'
Last week, we continued to learn about sustainability in a workshop about recycling delivered by 'Resource Futures'. We learnt a lot, including the fact that none of the black bin waste in the South West goes to landfill. The Exeter black bin waste is is all taken to 'Energy from Waste' in Marsh Barton where it is burnt in a clean, safe process and generates electricity.
We played a team game to decide where photographed items should be recycled - green bin, brown bin, food waste or other recycling location.
In maths this week, we begin our unit about addition and subtraction. In writing, we are linking our previous art work with Steve McCracken to write a final information piece about octopuses. We will be sending this home when it is finished so that you can see their octopus painting and writing.
In science last week we made measurements of our skeleton which this week we are going to plot on a bar chart.
When practising spellings at home this week, please use the Year 3 section, spelling rule 4. This includes spelling words with the pre-fixes 'dis' and 'in'
We had a very exciting week last week when we worked with our local artist Steve McCracken.
This linked with our Geography unit about sustainability and we discussed how we can help to keep our oceans healthy. We then used acrylic paint to scrape, brush and print an octopus. The finished results are stunning and we will make sure that you are able to come and see them by the end of half term.
Please visit the back of the Moles classroom where you will be able to see the incredible octopus and jellyfish painting that Steve created on the outside wall - it will make you smile, it's beautiful! The children watched the different stages of this being created and were amazed at the finished painting.
This week, we continue to learn about sustainabilty as we have a workshop being delivered by Resource Futures. The focus will be on home recycling.
In maths, we are coming to the end our our place value learning before starting our unit on addition and subtraction. In our writing lessons, we are continuing with our 'Intriguing animals' book. We have been learning about using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions (as and because), and how headings & subheadings are helpful in information texts.
If you are using Spellingframe at home, the unit to practise this week is from the Year 3 section - spelling rule 4.
A warm welcome back to school and to Year 3. It has been a great pleasure to see the children return to school and we are enjoying getting to know them.
The Year 3 Team
The last week and a bit!
Sadly, our time with your lovely children is coming to an end. We are finishing off our learning across the curriculum and also managing to have lots of fun! Here are some of the things we have lined up!
Wednesday 17th afternoon
The Year 3 teachers will take the mixed classes for some fun social activies to support the children in getting to know everyone in their new class.
Monday 22nd July
Children to be in PE kit all day please as it is Sports Day.
Tuesday 23rd July
Non- uniform as we will be having a Year 3 party day.
Wednesday 24th July
Children are welcome to bring in a game or activity from home. No electrical items or anything precious please.
W/C 1st July and 8th July
We are really pleased with the outcomes of our tie dying and are now weaving our fabrics which will be coming home soon ! In Science we have been learning about electro-magnets, and in History we've been finding out about Boudicca.
In maths we are naming 2-D shapes, and learning about faces, vertices, edges and symmetry. We are enjoying writing our own Ug stories, including deliberate anachronisms and creative Stone Age ideas!
W/C 17th June and 24th June
In maths we have been learing about angles (acute, obtuse and right angles), clockwise and anticlockwise turns, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines. We have been reading Ug by Raymond Briggs. It's a fun cartoon style book with lots of anachronisms which we've been able to spot due to our Stone Age learning in history. We've had fun being creative and using our own anachronisms to write about Stone Age meals and games!
We have started to tie dye in preparation for our fabric weaving and have practised our weaving skills using paper strips. In history we have learnt about Iron Age hillforts, round houses and tribes. In science we have continued learning about magnetism, finding out about the north and south poles and how these can attract or repel.
W/C 3rd and 10th June
How has the last half term of Year 3 come around so quickly?
We are looking forward to lots of learning and lots of fun too.
In maths, we will be spending this fortnight learning about time. The children need to be able to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks and to use simple timetables and work out durations of time. Following the sucess of our seasonal tarts in DT before the break, we will be writing instructions for making them, as well as having fun with following other types of instructions too.
Our Guided Reading book for this half term is 'Beasts of Olympus' by Lucy Coats.
We are look forward to weaving and tie dying in our art lessons; learning about the Iron Age in history; and being active with athletic lesson in PE, leading up to Sports Day.
Please look at the 'Curriculum Learning Web' section if you want to find out more about what we are teaching this half term.
W/C 13th May and 20th May 2024
We will be teaching money.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting
Pounds and pence:
Convert pounds and pence:
Add money:
Subtract money:
Find Change:
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. For the rest of the summer term, we are practising a mixture of the X2,5,10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We practise these 4 times a week.
We are writing our own version of Blue John by Berlie Doherty.
Our key grammar learning will be focused on using the following skills:
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details.
We have practised all of the Year 3&4 tricky spelling words. However, these are called tricky words for a reason! We will therefore continue to learn them during the Summer Term of Year 3 and throughout Year 4.
For the Summer Term in Year 3, we will be practising them by including them in our writing lessons as we write stories and information texts.
W/C 13th May
We are learning to spell words with the suffix ‘ian’
For example:
W/C 20th May
We are learning to spell words with the prefix ‘re’
For example:
This half term our Guided Reading sessions take place as a carousel with reading activities and small guided groups with the class teacher.
We will be reading:
Out for the Count by Anne Fine
In Your Dreams from the collection Short Too! by Kevin Crossley-Holland
We will be learning about Light. These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
Describe that light is needed in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Explain that light is reflected from surfaces.
Explain that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes.
Explain that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
Describe patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
We are finding out about our local area. We will be using photos, maps and Google -Earth. We will look for both human and physical geographical changes in land use. This will start with an exploration of our school grounds and then we will go on a walk around our local area.
We continue to follow the Devon Agreed R.E. syllabus. This half term we will be covering the Unit ‘What kind of World did Jesus want?’ We will learn about the stories of Jesus and The Disciples. We will consider what we would want our world to look like today.
Design and Technology
We will be planning and making a Seasonal Tart. We will consider hygiene and safety. We will explore food miles and using seasonal fruit and vegetables. We learn about a young entrepreneur chef and will evaluate our fruit tarts after we have enjoyed eating them!
Weeks Commencing 29th April and 6th May
We will be teaching money.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting
Pounds and pence:
Convert pounds and pence:
Add money:
Subtract money:
Find Change:
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. For the rest of the summer term, we are practising a mixture of the X2,5,10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We practise these 4 times a week.
We are writing our own version of Blue John by Berlie Doherty.
Our key grammar learning will be focused on using the following skills:
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details.
We have practised all of the Year 3&4 tricky spelling words. However, these are called tricky words for a reason! We will therefore continue to learn them during the Summer Term of Year 3 and throughout Year 4.
For the Summer Term in Year 3, we will be practising them by including them in our writing lessons as we write stories and information texts.
W/C 13th May
We are learning to spell words with the suffix ‘ian’
For example:
W/C 20th May
We are learning to spell words with the prefix ‘re’
For example:
This half term our Guided Reading sessions take place as a carousel with reading activities and small guided groups with the class teacher.
We will be reading:
Out for the Count by Anne Fine
In Your Dreams from the collection Short Too! by Kevin Crossley-Holland
We will be learning about Light. These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
Describe that light is needed in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Explain that light is reflected from surfaces.
Explain that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes.
Explain that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
Describe patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
We are finding out about our local area. We will be using photos, maps and Google -Earth. We will look for both human and physical geographical changes in land use. This will start with an exploration of our school grounds and then we will go on a walk around our local area.
We continue to follow the Devon Agreed R.E. syllabus. This half term we will be covering the Unit ‘What kind of World did Jesus want?’ We will learn about the stories of Jesus and The Disciples. We will consider what we would want our world to look like today.
Design and Technology
We will be planning and making a Seasonal Tart. We will consider hygiene and safety. We will explore food miles and using seasonal fruit and vegetables. We learn about a young entrepreneur chef and will evaluate our fruit tarts after we have enjoyed eating them!
Weeks Commencing 29th April and 6th May
We will be teaching fractions.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Add Fractions:
Subtract Fractions:
Unit Fractions:
Non-Unit Fractions:
Reasoning with Fractions of an Amount:
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently focusing on our 8 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We are writing our own version of Blue John by Berlie Doherty.
Our key grammar learning will be focused on using the following skills:
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details.
We have practised all of the Year 3&4 tricky spelling words. However, these are called tricky words for a reason! We will therefore continue to learn them during the Summer Term of Year 3 and throughout Year 4.
For the Summer Term in Year 3, we will be practising them by including them in our writing lessons as we write stories and information texts.
W/C 29th April
We are learning to spell words with the ‘c’ sound when it is spelt ch
For example:
W/C 6th May
We are learning to spell words with the ‘sh’ sound when it is spelt ch
For example:
This half term our Guided Reading sessions take place as a carousel with reading activities and small guided groups with the class teacher.
We will be reading:
Out for the Count by Anne Fine
In Your Dreams from the collection Short Too! by Kevin Crossley-Holland
We will be learning about Light. These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
Describe that light is needed in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Explain that light is reflected from surfaces.
Explain that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes.
Explain that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
Describe patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
We are finding out about our local area. We will be using photos, maps and Google -Earth. We will look for both human and physical geographical changes in land use. This will start with an exploration of our school grounds and then we will go on a walk around our local area.
We continue to follow the Devon Agreed R.E. syllabus. This half term we will be covering the Unit ‘What kind of World did Jesus want?’ We will learn about the stories of Jesus and The Disciples. We will consider what we would want our world to look like today.
Design and Technology
We will be planning and making a Seasonal Tart. We will consider hygiene and safety. We will explore food miles and using seasonal fruit and vegetables. We learn about a young entrepreneur chef and will evaluate our fruit tarts after we have enjoyed eating them!
Weeks Commencing 15th and 22nd April
Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed time with your families over the Easter break.
Remember that Monday 15th April is a Non Pupil Day.
Children start back at school on Tuesday 16th April
We continue to learn about mass and capacity.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Measure Capacity:
Equivalent Capacities:
Compare Capacity and Volume:
Add and Subtract Capacity and Volume:
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently focusing on our 8 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We are writing our own version of Blue John by Berlie Doherty.
Our key grammar learning will be focused on using the following skills:
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details.
W/C 15th April
We are learning the spelling pattern: ‘_ture’
For example: Adventure, capture, nature, picture, furniture, capture
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Strange, strength, suppose, surprise, therefore, though
W/C 22nd April
We are learning the spelling pattern ‘-ation’
For example: sensation, preparation, admiration, reservation, alteration, observation
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Thought, through, various, weight, women, woman
This half term our Guided Reading sessions take place as a carousel with reading activities and small guided groups with the class teacher.
We will be reading:
Out for the Count by Anne Fine
In Your Dreams from the collection Short Too! by Kevin Crossley-Holland
We will be learning about Light. These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
Describe that light is needed in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Explain that light is reflected from surfaces.
Explain that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes.
Explain that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
Describe patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
We are finding out about our local area. We will be using photos, maps and Google -Earth. We will look for both human and physical geographical changes in land use. This will start with an exploration of our school grounds and then we will go on a walk around our local area.
We continue to follow the Devon Agreed R.E. syllabus. This half term we will be covering the Unit ‘What kind of World did Jesus want?’ We will learn about the stories of Jesus and The Disciples. We will consider what we would want our world to look like today.
Design and Technology
We will be planning and making a Seasonal Tart. We will consider hygiene and safety. We will explore food miles and using seasonal fruit and vegetables. We learn about a young entrepreneur chef and will evaluate our fruit tarts after we have enjoyed eating them!
Weeks Commencing 18th and 25th March
Congratulations to all of Year 3 for a fabulous assembly last week!
We have finished our learning about fractions for now, and are now focusing on maths and capacity.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Use scales:
Measuring mass in Kg and g :
Add and subtract mass:
Measure capacity in litres and millilitres:
Compare capacity and volume:
Add and subtract capacity and volume:
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently focusing on our 8 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We are writing our own version of Grendel: A Cautionary Tale about Chocolate.
Our key grammar learning will be focused on using the following skills:
W/C 18th March
We are learning the spelling pattern: ‘-ly’
We can just add ‘ly’ to some words to make them adjectives.
For example sad + ly = sadly; usual -> usually.
Adding the suffix -ly, turns an adjective into an adverb.
If the word ends with 'y', the 'y' becomes an 'i', and then add -ly.
If the word ends with 'le', drop the 'le' and add -ly.
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Promise, purpose, quarter, question, recent, regular
W/C 25th March
We are learning the spelling pattern ‘-ture’
adventure picture capture temperature furniture future creature nature mixture
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Reign, remember, sentence, separate, special, straight
This half term our Guided Reading sessions will take place as a whole class and will be based around The Secret Explorers and the Lost Whales by S J King.
We will be learning about Animals and Humans (Food and Nutrition). These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
To know that food contains a range of different nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, sugars, water and fibre and that a piece of food will often provide a range of nutrients.
To know that different amounts of nutrients are needed to stay healthy and that different animals need different types of diet.
We will also consider how athletes have different nutritional needs, using Serena Williams as an example.
We continue our learning of Pre-Historic times, moving forward from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. We will be exploring the Bronze Age. We will find out what life was like in Britain during the Bronze Age by answering questions such as: When was the Bronze Age? How do we know what happened all those years ago? Why did the Stone Age end? What is the secret of the standing stones? Why was the Amesbury Archer so important?
We continue to follow the Devon Agreed R.E. syllabus. This half term we will be covering the Unit ‘People of God’ and exploring how Christians choose to live their lives and participate in their church communities.
We will be learning about Geometry in Art and shading techniques, before we then build up a 3D sculpture from a drawing.
Weeks Commencing 4th and 11th March
During the week beginning 4th March, we will be using NFER papers to check in with the children’s learning in maths and reading. This helps us to identify gaps in the children’s learning and plan our lessons accordingly during the second half of Year 3.
We will do these in the mornings, they are quite informal and the children often enjoy completing them. Our afternoon lesson will remain as normal.
Wednesday 6th March We will be spending the day watching video clips and making Stone Age to Iron Age linked craft following a workshop provided by ‘History off the Page’. Children can come to school in non uniform as the craft may be a little messy.
We continue our learning about fractions
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Fractions and scales
Fractions on a number line
Equivalent Fractions on a number line
Equivalent Fractions as bar models
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently focusing on our 4 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We are writing our own version of Grendel: A Cautionary Tale about Chocolate.
Our key grammar learning will be focused on using the following skills:
We will be consolidating our spelling learning from the last fortnight:
Spellings W/C 19th February
The tricky words to learn this week are:
ordinary, particular, peculiar, perhaps, popular, position
Our spelling pattern this week is: Adding the prefixes dis- and in-
Spellings W/C 26th February
The tricky words to learn this week are:
possess, position, possible, potatoes, possession, possible
Our spelling pattern for this week is: Adding im- to root words beginning with m or p
This half term our Guided Reading sessions will take place as a whole class and will be based around The Secret Explorers and the Lost Whales by S J King.
We will be learning about Animals and Humans (Food and Nutrition). These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
To know that food contains a range of different nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, sugars, water and fibre and that a piece of food will often provide a range of nutrients.
To know that different amounts of nutrients are needed to stay healthy and that different animals need different types of diet.
We will also consider how athletes have different nutritional needs, using Serena Williams as an example.
We continue our learning of Pre-Historic times, moving forward from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. We will be exploring the Bronze Age. We will find out what life was like in Britain during the Bronze Age by answering questions such as: When was the Bronze Age? How do we know what happened all those years ago? Why did the Stone Age end? What is the secret of the standing stones? Why was the Amesbury Archer so important?
We continue to follow the Devon Agreed R.E. syllabus. This half term we will be covering the Unit ‘People of God’ and exploring how Christians choose to live their lives and participate in their church communities.
We will be learning about Geometry in Art and shading techniques, before we then build up a 3D sculpture from a drawing.
Weeks Commencing 19th and 26th February 2024
We will be learning about fractions
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Understand the denominators of unit fractions
Compare and order unit fractions
Understand the numerators of unit fractions
Understand the whole
Compare and order non unit fractions
Fractions and scales
Fractions on a number line
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently focusing on our 4 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We will be using ‘Grendel: A cautionary tale about chocolate’ by David Lucas, as the key text for our learning. We will begin by familiarising ourselves with the book.
Our key grammar learning will be focused on using the following skills:
Spellings W/C 19th February
The tricky words to learn this week are:
ordinary, particular, peculiar, perhaps, popular, position
Our spelling pattern this week is: Adding the prefixes dis- and in-
Spellings W/C 26th February
The tricky words to learn this week are:
possess, position, possible, potatoes, possession, possible
Our spelling pattern for this week is: Adding im- to root words beginning with m or p
This half term our Guided Reading sessions will take place as a whole class and will be based around The Secret Explorers and the Lost Whales by S J King.
We will be learning about Animals and Humans (Food and Nutrition). These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
To know that food contains a range of different nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, sugars, water and fibre and that a piece of food will often provide a range of nutrients.
To know that different amounts of nutrients are needed to stay healthy and that different animals need different types of diet.
We will also consider how athletes have different nutritional needs, using Serena Williams as an example.
We continue our learning of Pre-Historic times, moving forward from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. We will be exploring the Bronze Age. We will find out what life was like in Britain during the Bronze Age by answering questions such as: When was the Bronze Age? How do we know what happened all those years ago? Why did the Stone Age end? What is the secret of the standing stones? Why was the Amesbury Archer so important?
We continue to follow the Devon Agreed R.E. syllabus. This half term we will be covering the Unit ‘People of God’ and exploring how Christians choose to live their lives and participate in their church communities.
We will be learning about Geometry in Art and shading techniques, before we then build up a 3D sculpture from a drawing.
Weeks Commencing 29th January and 5th February 2024
We will be learning about length and perimeter.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Measure in m and cm
Measure in mm
Equivalent lengths (m and cm)
Equivalent lengths (cm and mm)
Add lengths
Subtract lengths
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently focusing on our 4 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We have familiarised ourselves with the book ‘Rainforest Rough Guide’ by Paul Mason.
Our key learning over the next few weeks will be focused on using the following skills:
During this fortnight, we will be applying these skills when writing a diary entry, letter and fact file.
We are currently taking time to practise the Year 3 & 4 tricky words we have learnt so far during Year 3. The full list of these words can be found here: tricky-Y3-words.doc
This half term our Guided Reading sessions will be based around a poem called ‘The Penguin in Lost Property’ and a non-fiction book about teeth.
We will be learning about plants. These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
• Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.
• Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
• Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
We will be following the Unit ‘Why are Jungles so wet and Deserts so dry?’ We have looked at the difference between weather and climate and how the weather and climate are different in the Scottish Highlands compared to Devon. We are now looking at rainforest and desert biomes.
Our big question for this half term is: What do Christians learn from the creation story? Having learnt about the Christian creation story, and the story of Adam and Eve, we now learn about the Prodigal son.
Weeks Commencing 15th and 22nd January 2024
We continue our unit of learning about multiplication and division. We will be focusing on dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we will continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently learning our 4 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We have familiarised ourselves with the book ‘Rainforest Rough Guide’ by Paul Mason.
Our key learning over the next few weeks will be focused on using the following skills:
During this fortnight, we will explore prepositions before planning our own page in the style of the Rainforest Rough Guide.
Spellings W/C 15th January
The tricky words to learn this week are:
Our spelling pattern this week is adding the suffix ‘es’
Spellings W/C Jan22nd January
The tricky words to learn this week are:
Naughty, notice, occasion, occasionally, often, opposite
Our spelling pattern for this week is adding the prefix ‘-dis’ and ‘-in’
This half term our Guided Reading sessions will be based around a poem called ‘The Penguin in Lost Property’ and a non-fiction book about teeth.
We will be learning about plants. These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
• Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.
• Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
• Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
We will be following the Unit ‘Why are Jungles so wet and Deserts so dry?’ We have looked at the difference between weather and climate. This week, we learn about how the weather and climate are different in the Scottish Highlands compared to Devon.
Our big question for this half term is: What do Christians learn from the creation story? Having learnt about the Christian creation story, we will be learning about the story of Adam and Eve.
Design and Technology
This half term we will be focusing on sewing. We will begin by practising our running stitch which we learnt in Year 2. We’ll then learn cross stitch, before designing and making a small cushion.
Weeks Commencing 4th and 8th January 2024
Thursday 8th January: Back to School!
We hope you’ve all enjoyed the break and wish you a Happy New Year.
We will be learning how division facts can be understood from multiplication facts and how we can build on these facts to multiply and divide larger numbers. These video links will show you more
Link between division and multiplication
Related facts
We will familiarise ourselves with the book ‘Rainforest Rough Guide’ by Paul Mason.
Our key learning over the next few weeks will be focused on using the following skills:
The tricky words to learn this week are:
Our spelling pattern this week is adding the suffix ‘ment’:
This half term our Guided Reading sessions will be based around a poem called ‘The Penguin in Lost Property’ and a non-fiction book about teeth.
We will be learning about plants. These are the key things we will be learning about over the next few weeks:
• Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.
• Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
• Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
We will be following the Unit ‘Why are Jungles so wet and Deserts so dry?’ We will begin by looking at the difference between weather and climate.
Our big question for this half term is: What do Christians learn from the creation story? This week we will be looking at the creation story and how this shows Christians about God.
Design and Technology
This half term we will be focusing on sewing. We will begin by practising our running stitch which we learnt in Year 2. We’ll then learn cross stitch, before designing and making a small cushion.
Week Commencing 11th December
We continue our unit of learning about multiplication and division.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Multiply by 8
Divide by 8
8 X table
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we will continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently learning our 3 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We are reading ‘How Dogs Really Work’ by Alan Snow. There are many other books in this series if your child is enjoying it, you could borrow them from Exeter library.
During this unit, the grammar skills we are focusing on include:
This week we will finish writing up our own version of the text from this book.
Week beginning 11th December
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
guide heard heart height history imagine
Our spelling pattern is adding the suffix ‘ -ment’
root word (verb) |
root word + suffix -ment |
measure |
measurement |
replace |
replacement |
treat |
treatment |
judge |
judgement |
punish |
punishment |
move |
movement |
This half term, we are reading ‘Cave Challenge’ by Bear Grylls. We will all read it together and focus on comprehension skills and development of vocabulary understanding.
We are learning about rocks and fossils. We have learnt how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock have been made. We have carried out comparative tests for hardness and absorbency to compare the 3 rock types. We have learnt about Mary Anning and how fossils are made. Finally, we are learning about what soil is made up of.
We are learning about Judaism. We have learnt about Yom Kippur and the story of Moses. We’ve learnt about the festival of Passover and the 10 commandments. This week we are learning about prayer in Judaism.
Our Art links with our Stone Age learning in History. We are learning about the style of prehistoric man-made art. We will experiment with using the pigments in natural products to make different colours and then with using different brush strokes. We have scaled up our drawings and are now creating a cave painting on a textured surface. Our last lesson will be a collaborative cave painting.
Our History for this half term is all about the Stone Age. We are learning about how archaeologists use artefacts to understand life in Stone Age Britain and what life was like in the Stone Age.
Weeks Commencing 27th November and 4th December
We continue our unit of learning about multiplication and division.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Multiply by 3
Divide by 3
3 X table
Multiply by 4
Divide by 4
4X table
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we will continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently learning our 3 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We are reading ‘How Dogs Really Work’ by Alan Snow. There are many other books in this series if your child is enjoying it, you could borrow them from Exeter library.
During this unit, the grammar skills we are focusing on include:
Week beginning 27th November
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
experience experiment extreme famous favourite February
Our spelling pattern for this week is: Adding the suffix ‘-ful’
Did you know that we can make an adjective by adding the suffix -ful to lots of root words?
thank + ful = thankful
cheer cheerful
wonder wonderful
joy joyful
peace peaceful
We don’t have to swap, double or drop any letters when we add the suffix -ful. Here is the rule:
If a suffix starts with a consonant letter (-ful), it is usually just added straight on to a root word. No changes are made to the root word.
Oh, I almost forgot to give you a little tip about the word ‘beauty’. We have to swap the y to i when adding the suffix -ful.
beauty beautiful
Week beginning 4th December
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
forward forwards fruit grammar group guard
Our spelling pattern is Adding the suffix -less
thank thankless
hope hopeless
fear fearless
care careless
We don’t have to swap, double or drop any letters when we add the suffix -less. Here is the rule:
If a suffix starts with a consonant letter (-less), it is almost always just added straight on to a root word. No changes are made to the root word.
This half term, we are reading ‘Cave Challenge’ by Bear Grylls. We will all read it together and focus on comprehension skills and development of vocabulary understanding.
We are learning about rocks and fossils. We have learnt how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock have been made. We have carried out comparative tests for hardness and absorbency to compare the 3 rock types. We are now learning about Mary Anning and how fossils are made.
We are learning about Judaism. We will learn about Yom Kippur and then the story of Moses. We are now learning about the festival of Passover and the 10 commandments.
Our Art links with our Stone Age learning in History. We are learning about the style of prehistoric man-made art. We will experiment with using the pigments in natural products to make different colours and then with using different brush strokes. We have scaled up our drawings and are now creating a cave painting on a textured surface.
Our History for this half term is all about the Stone Age. We will learn about how archaeologists use artefacts to understand life in Stone Age Britain and what life was like in the Stone Age.
Weeks Commencing 13th and 20th November 2023
Monday 20th November – Hedgehogs and Moles on school trip to Kents Cavern.
During the week commencing 20th November we will be assessing the children’s learning alongside our curriculum teaching.
We will begin a unit of learning about multiplication and division.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
ultiplication – equal groups:
Use Arrays:
Multiples of 2:
Multiples of 5 and 10:
Sharing and Grouping:
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we will continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently learning our 3 times table by rote.
We will finish writing our own story based on the ‘The Beasties’ by Jenny Nimmo. We will be trying to include the grammar skills we’ve learnt, including:
Punctuating direct speech using inverted commas (speech marks).
Using subordinating conjunctions to extend our sentences.
Organising our writing in paragraphs.
Week beginning 13th November
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
continue describe decide different difficult disappear
Our spelling pattern for this week is: Words ending in -el
travel cancel
vowel camel
tunnel towel
jewel label
Week beginning 20th November
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
early earth eight eighth enough exercise
Our spelling pattern is Words ending in -al
capital animal crystal magical
tropical festival sandal
This half term, we are reading ‘Cave Challenge’ by Bear Grylls. We will all read it together and focus on comprehension skills and development of vocabulary understanding.
We are learning about rocks and fossils. We are learning about how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock have been made. We will carry out tests for hardness and porosity to compare the 3 rock types.
We are learning about Judaism. We will learn about Yom Kippur and then the story of Moses.
Our Art links with our Stone Age learning in History. We are learning about the style of prehistoric man-made art. We will experiment with using the pigments in natural products to make different colours and then with using different brush strokes.
Our History for this half term is all about the Stone Age. We will learn about how archaeologists use artefacts to understand life in Stone Age Britain and what life was like in the Stone Age.
Weeks Commencing 30th October and 6th November 2023
We will continue to develop our addition and subtraction skills. Before half term, we were learning how to add and subtract using the column method with no exchanges.
Now, will develop this further by learning how to exchange and cross the tens and hundreds boundaries.
Here are links to some White Rose videos which cover the learning for this week. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Add crossing the tens boundary.
Add crossing the hundreds boundary:
Subtract crossing the tens boundary:
Subtract crossing the hundreds boundary:
We will then learn about how to estimate our answers and to check them using the inverse operation.
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we will continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. This half term we will be focusing on the 3 X tables.
We will be getting to know ‘The Beasties’ by Jenny Nimmo. The book about a little girl who can’t get to sleep at night. Each night a cute little Beastie tells her a story to help her sleep. It’s a lovely book, and once we become familiar with it, we will begin to write our own Beastie story.
The grammar skills we will be learning include:
Punctuating direct speech using inverted commas (speech marks).
Using subordinating conjunctions to extend our sentences.
Organising our writing in paragraphs.
Our focus words from the Year3 & 4 Statutory Spelling list will be:
centre century certain consider circle complete
The spelling pattern will be ‘Words ending in -le’
For example, simple, middle, apple, triangle, rectangle
This half term, we will be reading ‘Cave Challenge’ by Bear Grylls. We will all read it together and focus on comprehension skills and development of vocabulary understanding.
We will be learning about rocks and fossils this half term. We will be carefully observing some igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock samples using the magnifying lenses. Then we will find out how these 3 rock types were made.
This half term we will be learning about Judaism. Our first lesson will be focused on the Jewish Festival of Rosh Hashanah. Then we will learn about Yom Kippur.
Our Art links with our Stone Age learning in History. We wil be learning about the style of prehistoric man-made art. This week we will use charcoal pencils to draw animals in the prehistoric style. Then we will take one of these drawings and scale it up to make an A4 size charcoal animal drawing.
Our History for this half term is all about the Stone Age. This week we will find out what the children think the Stone Age was like and begin to explore whether their ideas are correct. For example, cartoon pictures may combine Stone Age people and dinosaurs, but dinosaurs died out 60 million years before the stone age! We will then learn how archaeologists have found out about the Stone Age period.
We have been busy getting our new website up and running and are now ready to begin sharing your child’s learning with you.
Here is a summary of the learning we have been focusing on during the first half term:
English - We used the book ‘Intriguing Animals’ as a starting point for writing our own animal information pages. We learnt how to structure our writing using headings, sub-headings and paragraphs. We have used our writing for our Design & Technology booklet and this will be coming home at the beginning of the half term holiday.
To finish off our English this half term, we are writing poetry! Our focus is on choice of vocabulary, particularly adjectives. We are also using prepositions. Look out for the finished poem which will be coming home soon!
After half term, our Blog will also tell you which spelling patterns and the 6 tricky spelling words we are focusing on each week.
Maths – Our first maths unit was about place value and recognising the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds. We are now learning about addition and subtraction. After half term, we will include the White Rose video links to show you the exact focus of the children’s learning each week. The videos are not used in school, but are great for showing you how we teach the skills, and for using with your child to consolidate their understanding.
We have also been making sure that children can use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) as this is a key programme we use to support the children with their rapid re-call of times table facts.
Topic – In science, we have been learning about skeletons, muscles and joints. In Geography, we have been learning all about sustainability. We have looked at how we can make sustainable choices at home and at school, such as re-cycling, using re-usable bags, walking and cycling when we can and turning the lights off. We’ve looked at the different ways that electricity can be made and identified which methods are sustainable for the environment. In RE, we have been focusing on Islam, learning about the 5 pillars of Islam.
Times Tables
Times tables play a key part in everyday maths and it is important that your child is becoming more confident recalling their table facts. At the end of Year 2, children should be able to recall their X2,5 and 10. During Year 3, we will teach X3, 4 and 8.
Please ensure that your child is regularly spending time practising (just 5 minutes a day) their times tables on Times Table Rockstars.
Times Table Rockstars logins have been given to your child to take home.
The link to the website can be found here:
The Numbots programme is great for helping your child to develop their mental maths skills when adding and subtracting. It builds on their knowledge of number bonds. Children use the same log in as they do for Times Table Rockstars.
Your child should be bringing home a reading book from school each day, and their home Reading Record book. We greatly appreciate your support hearing your child read daily at home for 15 minutes. Please can you record their home reading in their Reading Record Booklet.
Children across Year 3 will be accessing a range of different books.
Some children will be reading from the book band scheme.
Some children will be accessing numbered books from our Accelerated Reader system in the library. These are based on a star reader test which indicates an appropriate zone for your child to read within. Once children have read an Accelerated Reader book they complete a quiz which probes their comprehension skills. They then change their book and we encourage 2 books to be taken out so that they can have 1 at school and 1 at home. We visit the library weekly, and children have daily access to their classroom reader.
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child will be bringing home their log in details soon.
Please check on our Blog to see which spelling patterns the children are currently learning.
Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Spelling Words
Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Spelling Words
W/C 1st and 8th July
Year 3 children should be reading at home on a daily basis for 15 minutes. The children have a home/school reading record which also contains helpful information about the spellings they will be learning during Year 3.
When you read with your child, please fill in their home reading record to say what they have been reading and provide a comment/reflection on their reading. Teachers collect these in each week.
We will be teaching time.
Please support your child at home in being able to tell the time using an analogue clock.
Times Tables
Times tables play a key part in every day maths and it is really important that in Year 3 your child is becoming more confident using their time tables recall facts.
Please ensure that your child is regularly spending time practising (just 5 minutes every day) their times tables on Times Table Rockstars.
Times Table Rockstars logins have been given to your child so they will have them ready to go.
The link to the website can be found here:
If your child has forgotten their password and username, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Also, the Numbots programme is great for helping them to develop their mental maths skills in adding and subtracting, building on their knowledge of number bonds. Children use the same log in as they do for Times Table Rockstars.
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details. If you don't have these, please ask your child's teacher.
W/C 3rd June
We are learning to spell the homophones:
Accept except
Ball bawl
Berry bury
Brake break
Fair fare
W/C 10th June
We are learning to spell words from the Year 3,4 spelling list which link with our writing this week.
They are:
calendar, centre, fruit, occasion, position, remember
W/C 13th and 20th May
We will be teaching money.
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting
Pounds and pence:
Convert pounds and pence:
Add money:
Subtract money:
Find Change:
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. For the rest of the summer term, we are practising a mixture of the X2,5,10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We practise these 4 times a week.
Times Tables
Times tables play a key part in every day maths and it is really important that in Year 3 your child is becoming more confident using their time tables recall facts.
Please ensure that your child is regularly spending time practising (just 5 minutes every day) their times tables on Times Table Rockstars.
Times Table Rockstars logins have been given to your child so they will have them ready to go.
The link to the website can be found here:
If your child has forgotten their password and username, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Also, the Numbots programme is great for helping them to develop their mental maths skills in adding and subtracting, building on their knowledge of number bonds. Children use the same log in as they do for Times Table Rockstars.
Your child should be bringing home a reading book from school each day, and a new Reading Record book. We greatly appreciate your support hearing your child read daily at home. Please can you record the reading they have done in their reading booklet.
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details.
W/C 13th May
We are learning to spell words with the suffix ‘ian’
For example:
W/C 20th May
We are learning to spell words with the prefix ‘re’
For example:
Weeks Beginning 29th April and 6th May 2024
We are learning about Fractions
These video links will show you what we are learning:
Add Fractions:
Subtract Fractions:
Unit Fractions:
Non-Unit Fractions:
Reasoning with Fractions of an Amount:
Times Tables
Times tables play a key part in every day maths and it is really important that in Year 3 your child is becoming more confident using their time tables recall facts.
Please ensure that your child is regularly spending time practising (just 5 minutes every day) their times tables on Times Table Rockstars.
Times Table Rockstars logins have been given to your child so they will have them ready to go.
The link to the website can be found here:
If your child has forgotten their password and username, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Also, the Numbots programme is great for helping them to develop their mental maths skills in adding and subtracting, building on their knowledge of number bonds. Children use the same log in as they do for Times Table Rockstars.
Your child should be bringing home a reading book from school each day, and a new Reading Record book. We greatly appreciate your support hearing your child read daily at home. Please can you record the reading they have done in their reading booklet.
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details.
We have practised all of the Year 3&4 tricky spelling words. However, these are called tricky words for a reason! We will therefore continue to learn them during the Summer Term of Year 3 and throughout Year 4.
For the Summer Term in Year 3, we will be practising them by including them in our writing lessons as we write stories and information texts.
W/C 29th April
We are learning to spell words with the ‘c’ sound when it is spelt ch
For example:
W/C 6th May
We are learning to spell words with the ‘sh’ sound when it is spelt ch
For example:
Eager for More?
In DT we are planning and making a Seasonal Tart. Why not extend your cookery skills at home? Consider using seasonal and local produce to reduce ‘Food Miles’. Send in your photos!
In Science we are learning about Light. You could make some shadow puppets to tell a story. Send us in a video of your shadow puppet successes!
In Geography we are learning about changes of land use over time in our local area. With the improving weather, this is a good opportunity for plenty of walks and photographs to show what changes in physical or human geography you notice on your travels.
Year 3 children should be reading at home on a daily basis for 15 minutes. The children have a home/school reading record which also contains helpful information about the spellings they will be learning during Year 3.
When you read with your child, please fill in their home reading record to say what they have been reading and provide a comment/reflection on their reading. Teachers collect these in each week.
Times Tables
In maths, Times Table Rock Stars should be accessed - the recommended time is 21 minutes over each week.
Times tables play a key part in every day maths and it is really important that in Year 3 your child is becoming more confident using their time tables recall facts.
Times Table Rockstars logins have been given to your child so they will have them ready to go.
The link to the website can be found here:
If your child has forgotten their password and username, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Also, the Numbots programme is great for helping them to develop their mental maths skills in adding and subtracting, building on their knowledge of number bonds. Children use the same log in as they do for Times Table Rockstars.
We are using a new spelling programme in Year 3 to motivate and support children with learning their spellings. Your child should have brought home their log in details.
W/C 15th April
We are learning the spelling pattern: ‘_ture’
For example: Adventure, capture, nature, picture, furniture, capture
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Strange, strength, suppose, surprise, therefore, though
W/C 22nd April
We are learning the spelling pattern ‘-ation’
For example: sensation, preparation, admiration, reservation, alteration, observation
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Thought, through, various, weight, women, woman
Eager for More?
In DT we are planning and making a Seasonal Tart. Why not extend your cookery skills at home? Consider using seasonal and local produce to reduce ‘Food Miles’. Send in your photos!
In Science we are learning about Light. You could make some shadow puppets to tell a story. Send us in a video of your shadow puppet successes!
In Geography we are learning about changes of land use over time in our local area. With the improving weather, this is a good opportunity for plenty of walks and photographs to show what changes in physical or human geography you notice on your travels.
Weeks Beginning 18th and 25th March 2024
Year 3 Home Learning
We are learning about mass and capacity.
These video links will show you what we are learning:
Use scales:
Measuring mass in Kg and g :
Add and subtract mass:
Measure capacity in litres and millilitres:
Compare capacity and volume:
Add and subtract capacity and volume:
Times Tables
Times tables play a key part in every day maths and it is really important that in Year 3 your child is becoming more confident using their time tables recall facts.
Please ensure that your child is regularly spending time practising (just 5 minutes every day) their times tables on Times Table Rockstars.
Times Table Rockstars logins have been given to your child so they will have them ready to go.
The link to the website can be found here:
If your child has forgotten their password and username, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Also, the Numbots programme is great for helping them to develop their mental maths skills in adding and subtracting, building on their knowledge of number bonds. Children use the same log in as they do for Times Table Rockstars.
Your child should be bringing home a reading book from school each day, and a new Reading Record book. We greatly appreciate your support hearing your child read daily at home. Please can you record the reading they have done in their reading booklet.
W/C 18th March
We are learning the spelling pattern: ‘-ly’
We can just add ‘ly’ to some words to make them adjectives.
For example sad + ly = sadly; usual -> usually.
Adding the suffix -ly, turns an adjective into an adverb.
If the word ends with 'y', the 'y' becomes an 'i', and then add -ly.
If the word ends with 'le', drop the 'le' and add -ly.
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Promise, purpose, quarter, question, recent, regular
W/C 25th March
We are learning the spelling pattern ‘-ture’
adventure picture capture temperature furniture future creature nature mixture
Our tricky words to learn this week are:
Reign, remember, sentence, separate, special, straight
Eager for More?
In Art we are learning how to shade and then how to use this to draw 3D objects. You could practise by trying this technique with some of your favourite toys.
In Science we are learning about food and nutrition. Why not help the adults to prepare some tasty meals at the weekend?
In History we are learning about the Iron Age. Why not visit Exeter library to borrow some books about the Iron Age.
Maths W/C 4th and 11th February
In lesson , we continue our learning about fractions
Here are links to the White Rose videos which cover our learning. We won’t be using these directly in class, but you may find them helpful for supporting your child at home.
Fractions and scales
Fractions on a number line
Equivalent Fractions on a number line
Equivalent Fractions as bar models
By the end of Year 2, children are expected to have fluent recall of their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we continue to practise these, and will learn our 3, 4- and 8-times tables. We are currently focusing on our 4 times table by rote. We practise this 4 times a week.
We will be consolidating our spelling learning from the last fortnight:
ordinary, particular, peculiar, perhaps, popular, position
Adding the prefixes dis- and in-
possess, position, possible, potatoes, possession, possible
Adding im- to root words beginning with m or p
W/C 19th and 26th February
We are learning about fractions.
These video links will show you what we are learning:
Understand the denominators of unit fractions
Compare and order unit fractions
Understand the numerators of unit fractions
Understand the whole
Compare and order non unit fractions
Fractions and scales
Fractions on a number line
Times Tables
Times tables play a key part in every day maths and it is really important that in Year 3 your child is becoming more confident using their time tables recall facts.
Please ensure that your child is regularly spending time practising (just 5 minutes every day) their times tables on Times Table Rockstars.
Times Table Rockstars logins have been given to your child so they will have them ready to go.
The link to the website can be found here:
If your child has forgotten their password and username, please contact your child’s class teacher.
Also, the Numbots programme is great for helping them to develop their mental maths skills in adding and subtracting, building on their knowledge of number bonds. Children use the same log in as they do for Times Table Rockstars.
Your child should be bringing home a reading book from school each day, and a new Reading Record book. We greatly appreciate your support hearing your child read daily at home. Please can you record the reading they have done in their reading booklet.
Year 3 & 4 Statutory Spelling List
During W/C 4th February, we are consolidating these tricky spellings and spelling patterns:
ordinary, particular, peculiar, perhaps, popular, position
Our spelling pattern this week is: Adding the prefixes dis- and in-
possess, position, possible, potatoes, possession, possible
Our spelling pattern for this week is: Adding im- to root words beginning with m or p
The tricky words to learn this week are:
important increase interest island knowledge learn
Our spelling pattern this week is words ending in ‘tion’
Week beginning 11th December
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
guide heard heart height history imagine
Our spelling pattern is adding the suffix ‘ -ment’
Week beginning 27th November
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
experience experiment extreme famous favourite February
Our spelling pattern for this week is: Adding the suffix ' -ful'
Week beginning 4th December
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
forward forwards fruit grammar group guard
Our spelling pattern for this week isthe suffix ' -less'
Week beginning 20th November
The tricky words from our Year 3&4 Spelling list this week are:
early earth eight eighth enough exercise
Our spelling pattern is Words ending in -al
capital animal crystal magical
tropical festival sandal
Our focus words from the Year3 & 4 Statutory Spelling list will be:
centre century certain consider circle complete
The spelling pattern will be ‘Words ending in -le’
For example, simple, middle, apple, triangle, rectangle